'Growing confident life long learners who strive to achieve their personal best.'


As a rural school we encourage all pupils to participate in Pet Day and this is supported well by our community. This is an annual event where children have the opportunity to bring a pet to school for the day.

They can bring any animal they wish and the four sections for judging are lambs, calves, dogs or a general pet section. Pet Day is usually held on the first Tuesday in November each year.

Children’s pets are judged and ribbons and certificates are given out.

We also have a baking competition open to any child to enter. This is a fun day for children and their families, and we encourage our whole community to come along.

• Craig Cup is a prestigious cup that belongs to the Oroua Boys and Girls Agricultural Club. Points are gained by entrants to our Pet Day, as well as the garden competition. Points are accumulated with the winning school being awards the cup for the year.

• Garden Competition: This is also an extra event that is attached to the points towards the Craig Cup. Children have the opportunity to plant a small garden, care for it and reap the rewards of fresh vegetables. Children who are interested plant a garden around Labour Weekend and the school arranges for it to be judged around the last few weeks of the school year.

Photos are taken and passed onto the Oroua Boys and Girls Agricultural Club for points towards the Craig Cup

Pet Day Information Booklet.pdf