'Growing confident life long learners who strive to achieve their personal best.'
Principal's welcome
Colyton Kids are C.H.A.M.P.S
Nau Mai, Haere Mai
A very warm welcome to Colyton School, a vibrant country school with awesome students, a passionate staff and an incredibly supportive community. Colyton School has a proud history of both academic achievement and also growing fabulous, kind and independent learners. We are proud to be a rural school, a school that nurtures our students, focuses on positive and caring relationships and we aspire to meet our vision of “creating confident lifelong learners who strive to achieve their personal best”.
Since 1884, our school has had a history of passion and care for education. With a solid foundation of over 130 years, we are steeped in Manawatū history. Today Colyton School is an innovative forward thinking school, giving all of our children the base from which to launch a quest for life long learning.
Our wonderful staff are fully engaged with professional development to ensure that the delivery of the curriculum is current. The Board of Trustees are very supportive and work hard to support the staff in providing a stimulating learning environment. At Colyton School we believe strongly in educating the “whole child”. Aside from the core learning areas, we offer a broad and rich curriculum and are active participants in a multitude of events both at and outside of school.
You are most welcome to visit and experience the positive learning atmosphere our school has to offer. Please contact the school by phone (06) 328-7877 or, Come along and see what goes on in our school!
Janine Satchwell
421 Colyton Road, R.D. 5, Feilding Phone: (06) 328 7877 Add us to your address book