At Colyton School we value the input of our parents/whānau and community. If you feel that you have something to offer or can assist in some way, we welcome your contribution. At times teachers may require help in the classroom, providing transport, on a class trip, working in the library, or just supporting and showing an interest in your child’s learning. 

Parent/caregiver help is always appreciated. If you are able to assist please contact one of the staff. 


The parent community of Colyton contribute to the school with with fundraising opportunities and having a voice in our school going forward. The Fundraisers of Colyton School (FoCs) is significant in their support with extra fundraising activities. Many opportunities are created to liaise with parents and whānau, both formally and informally. An inclusive culture is promoted to ensure that all who wish to participate, contribute and/or observe the school in action are encouraged to do so.

A strong belief in the importance of partnership between home and school is clearly demonstrated by the involvement across the school of our whānau and wider community.

'Growing confident life long learners who strive to achieve their personal best.'